Senin, 13 Juli 2015



hamster, guppy, freelance, indonesia, jual hamster, jual guppy, jual hewan, jual tikus, jual kandang,
-visit us: @Mr_ikky and Friends-

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Berminat? Hubungi no hp di bawah0856 4265 8542 (indosat) 
0822 2641 5000 (telkomsel)
Ready to adopt puppies German Shepherd Dog / Herder good quality (not show quality ).
Anak import.

avileble 5betina
DOB 25 April 2015.
Stambum on proses, vaksin 5L, dewormed.
Bapak : V1 Gismo vom Casselswald, IPO3.
Induk : Fina von S-19kennel, BH (anak dr Nic vom Haus Salihin/cucu dr Yerom Vom Haus Salihin

info lebih lanjut bisa tlp or sms.
CP Septa 0856 4265 8542 (indosat) / 0822 2641 5000 (telkomsel)

Lokasi di Semarang 

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